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10 Shocking Credit Report Errors That Are Costing You Big – Let's Fix Them Together

When it comes to your credit report, accuracy is non-negotiable. Even the smallest error can have a profound impact on your financial health, affecting everything from interest rates to insurance premiums, not to mention the stress of being denied for a mortgage or a personal loan. At Tri-Level Financial LLC, we understand the intricacies of credit reporting and the critical nature of each piece of information on your credit report. Let's delve into the 10 shocking credit report errors that might be costing you more than you realize – and how we can embark on a journey to rectify them together.

  1. Mistaken Identity

Believe it or not, credit reports can contain information that doesn't even pertain to you. This can happen due to a clerical error or as a result of a common name. It's essential to scrutinize your report for accounts and personal information that aren't yours.

2. Outdated Information

Credit reports should be current, but sometimes they're not. Outdated information can include old debts that should've aged off your report or incorrect account statuses. This can unfairly drag down your credit score.

3. Duplicate Entries

Sometimes, the same debt is listed more than once. This can make it look like you owe more than you actually do, magnifying the negative impact on your credit score.

4. Incorrect Payment Status

Payments marked as late when they were paid on time, or accounts marked as "in collection" when they've been settled, can be disastrous. These errors can severely decrease your credit score.

5. Phantom Debts

Debts that you don't recognize or that stem from identity theft can be particularly alarming. These require immediate attention to resolve and prevent further fraudulent activities.

6. Inaccurate Credit Limits

If your credit report shows a lower credit limit than you actually have, it can indicate a higher utilization rate, which can negatively affect your credit score.

7. Account Balances

Errors in your reported account balances can also distort your utilization rate. Ensuring these figures are accurate is crucial for your credit health.

8. Closed Accounts Reported as Open

This can happen when an account that you've closed, possibly to avoid further charges, is still reported as open. It can affect your debt-to-income ratio, which is a critical factor in loan considerations.

9. Re-Aging of Old Debts

Creditors cannot change the original date of delinquency on a debt, but sometimes they do. This illegal practice can keep old debts on your report beyond the seven-year limit.

10. Hard Inquiries That You Didn't Authorize

Hard inquiries can slightly lower your credit score. If you see inquiries from companies you haven't authorized to check your credit, this can be a sign of error or fraud.


At Tri-Level Financial LLC, we're committed to helping you navigate the complex landscape of credit reporting. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the nuances of Ohio's consumer protection laws. We believe in empowering you with the knowledge to identify and challenge inaccuracies on your credit report.

If you've discovered any of these errors, or if you're feeling overwhelmed by the process, remember that you're not alone. We specialize in creating dispute form templates tailored to the specific errors in your credit report, making the dispute process as smooth as possible. Our team is ready to assist you in not only disputing inaccuracies but also in educating you on how to maintain the pristine accuracy of your credit information moving forward.

Credit repair is not just about fixing past mistakes; it's about setting a course for a better financial future. Whether you're looking to buy a home, finance a car, or simply enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a healthy credit score, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Let's fix those errors together and pave the way to your financial freedom. Contact Tri-Level Financial LLC today, and let's turn your credit report into a testament to your financial reliability.

Tri-level Financial LLC

NMLS# 2507499

Brandy Jones - Credit Specialist & Mortgage Loan Originator

Licensed in Ohio.



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