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Common Credit Myths Debunked by a Financial Expert

Introduction: When it comes to credit, misinformation abounds. Believing in credit myths can hinder your financial progress and damage your credit score. As a financial expert, I’m here to debunk five common credit myths and set the record straight.

Myth 1: Checking Your Credit Score Lowers It Fact: Checking your own credit score, known as a soft inquiry, does not affect your credit score. Regularly monitoring your credit can help you stay informed and spot any inaccuracies.

Myth 2: Closing Old Accounts Improves Your Score Fact: Closing old credit accounts can actually lower your score by reducing the length of your credit history and increasing your credit utilization ratio. Keep old accounts open and active to maintain a healthy credit history.

Myth 3: Carrying a Balance on Credit Cards Boosts Your Score Fact: Carrying a balance does not improve your credit score. In fact, it can lead to higher interest payments and increased debt. Paying off your balance in full each month is the best practice.

Myth 4: Paying Off a Debt Removes It from Your Credit Report Fact: Paying off a debt does not remove it from your credit report immediately. Negative items can remain on your report for up to seven years, though their impact diminishes over time.

Myth 5: Your Income Affects Your Credit Score Fact: Your credit score is based on your credit behavior, not your income. While income is considered by lenders when you apply for credit, it is not a factor in calculating your credit score.

Conclusion: Understanding the facts about credit is essential for making informed financial decisions. By debunking these common credit myths, you can take control of your credit health and work towards a better financial future. For professional credit repair services, contact Tri-Level Financial LLC at 419-787-0444, email:, or visit

Call to Action: Got more credit questions? Tri-Level Financial LLC has the answers! Reach out to us for expert advice and tailored credit repair solutions. Empower yourself with the truth about credit. #CreditMyths #FinancialExpert #TriLevelFinancial #CreditRepair #mortgage #homeloan #newcar #prequalify #forrent #forsale #creditrepaircompany #bankruptcy #chapter7 #xredit #creditrestoration #creditbureau #experian #equifax #transunion #ohio #debt #debtconsolidation

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