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Ohioans, Beware! Don't Fall Victim to These Credit Score Myths – Tri-Level Financial LLC Reveals the Truth!

Hey Ohioans! Whether you're in Toledo,Cleveland,Columbus, or anywhere in the Buckeye State, your credit score is a crucial part of your financial health. At Tri-Level Financial LLC, we believe in empowering you with the right knowledge to make informed decisions. Today, we're debunking some of the most common credit score myths that could be holding you back. Buckle up and let's uncover the truth!

Myth #1: Checking Your Credit Score Will Hurt It

Fact: Checking your own credit score is considered a "soft inquiry" and does not affect your credit score. It's important to regularly monitor your credit report to stay informed about your financial status and to catch any errors early. Tri-Level Financial LLC recommends using free credit monitoring services that provide regular updates.

Myth #2: Closing Old Accounts Will Improve Your Credit Score

Fact: Closing old credit accounts can actually harm your credit score. Your credit history length is a factor in your score, so keeping older accounts open can be beneficial. If you’re worried about annual fees on old cards, consider downgrading to a no-fee version instead of closing the account altogether.

Myth #3: Paying Off a Debt Automatically Removes It from Your Credit Report

Fact: Paying off a debt is a positive step Toward fixing your credit and also lowering your debt to income ratiosToward fixing your credit and also lowering your debt to income ratios., but it doesn’t immediately erase the debt from your credit report. Negative items can remain on your report for up to seven years. However, their impact diminishes over time, especially with good financial habits. Tri-Level Financial LLC can help you understand the nuances of your credit report and advise on the best steps forward. Also, it's important to note if you don't pay it off in full, the minute that you make a payment on that bill, you're restarting that 7 year period back to square one. Also, unless you get a pay for delete agreement signed from the creditor They don't have any obligation to take it off your credit report just because it's been "paid". In fact, they'll just mark it as ballance owing $0, or paid, or Many times they put that it was Legally paid but negotiated at a discounted rate legally paid in full" Because they want the creditors. No, that you or any potential people that you would do business with they. Don't they want everybody to know that you didn't pay your full billBecause they want the creditors. No, that you or any potential people that you would do business with to know that you didn't pay your full bill.

But the worse part is it will still show up in the derogatory/delinquent account section of your credit report.

Myth #4: You Need to Carry a Balance to Build Credit

Fact: Carrying a balance on your credit card does not help your credit score; it only results in paying more interest. It's best to use your credit card regularly and pay off the balance in full each month. This demonstrates responsible credit use without incurring debt.

Myth #5: All Credit Scores Are the Same

Fact: There are different credit scoring models, such as FICO and VantageScore, and each can produce slightly different scores. Additionally, lenders may use industry-specific scores. It's important to be aware of which score your lender is using and understand that your score might vary slightly depending on the model.

Myth #6: Your Income Affects Your Credit Score

Fact: Your income is not factored into your credit score. Your score is based on your credit history, including payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used. However, income can influence your ability to manage and repay debt, indirectly affecting your credit health.

Myth #7: A Higher Salary Means a Better Credit Score

Fact: A high salary doesn’t guarantee a high credit score. Financial habits, not income, determine your credit score. Consistently making on-time payments, maintaining low credit card balances, and avoiding excessive new credit inquiries are key to a good credit score.

Myth #8: Co-signing a Loan Won’t Affect Your Credit

Fact: Co-signing a loan makes you equally responsible for the debt. If the primary borrower misses a payment, it will affect your credit score. Before co-signing, understand the potential risks and ensure you’re prepared to take on the financial responsibility.

Myth #9: Credit Counseling and Repair Services Are a Scam

Fact: While there are scams out there, reputable credit counseling and repair services, like those offered by Tri-Level Financial LLC, provide valuable assistance. Look for agencies accredited by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) or the Financial Counseling Association of America (FCAA) to ensure you’re dealing with a legitimate organization.

Myth #10: You Can Fix Your Credit Score Overnight

Fact: Improving your credit score takes time and consistent effort. There are no quick fixes, but with the right strategies, you can steadily improve your score. Tri-Level Financial LLC can help you create a personalized plan to rebuild your credit and achieve your financial goals.

## Conclusion

Understanding these common credit score myths is the first step to taking control of your financial future. At Tri-Level Financial LLC, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. If you have questions or need assistance with your credit, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Remember, knowledge is power, and with the right information, you can make the best decisions for your financial health. Stay savvy, Ohioans!


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